
Monday, April 8, 2013

Has Spring Actually Arrived? Finally!!

I feel as though today actually felt like spring had arrived.  We still have big patches of snow but it is melting quickly.  We walked around today and mapped out some new runs.  We have to finish the LF Cochin run first - hopefully by end of the week.  My splash roo - "Robin" - is doing his business with his black pullet "Cher" even though she has not started laying yet.  We have a few more young ones to add - 2 are Mottled and Frizzled - very excited about that. 

We are also modifying the existing hen house by splitting it and giving the Heritage Delawares one side and a very large run to themselves.  They have been wintering in the barn and eager to get out. 

We are also building a run for the new additions - Cream Legbars - really excited about them as well!  Will be a just a breeding quad.  I just love the egg color!

The Silkies are moving out of the cottage to the barn with new inside pens and outside runs.
The cottage will be modified into the Bunny Barn and we can expand our NZ Cali breeding program and get started on Jersey Woolys and Dwarf Hotots.  I have both here ready to go but winter was just too cold for little babies!

I have added Wheaten Americaunas and a couple Marans to the laying flock for a colorful eggs basket.

Looking forward to building some raised beds - that area is still fully blanketed in snow though. 

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