
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Molting Madness Treat

Introducing "Cackleberry Cottage" a new line of healthy and purposeful treats for chickens. Here is the the first of more to come: "Molting Madness"- designed specifically for the molting season.
It is "chook" full of all the goodness needed to promote healthy feather regrowth and replace much needed nutrients, especially Protein, that are used up during the molt. Whole grains are special ordered and milled here as needed. Small batches are made to order so we can keep the freshness alive!!
Ingredients include: Whole Wheat, Corn Meal, Rolled Oats, BOSS, Fresh Farm Eggs, Organic Coconut Oil, Flax Seed, Field Peas and a Poultry Vitamin and Mineral Supplement.
We make them fresh for you - but they can be frozen until you are ready to use them.


  1. I currently use a mash of tuna fish, BOSS, rolled oats, and crushed eggshells and keep my trusty can of Blu-Kote nearby. As well as making sure my little quarantine coop is ready in case one gets hen-pecked.

    Although I do believe I will be ordering some of those treats this molting season, love what you have in them!

  2. We blend ground meat, veggies and scrambled egg together. It doesn't smell or look appealing but the girls love it!

  3. We add BOSS and make sure there is plenty of extra oyster shells in the coop.... and I really want to try some of your Moulting Madness!! Those look great!!

    1. Orders are coming in :-) I will be baking all weekend and shipping on Tuesday.

  4. I also scramble and feed eggs to our flock.....we have a mealworm culture and give extras while moulting.

  5. I give two or three bags in a row of Turkey or Game Bird Starter, at about 26%, to the flock once the majority of them are molting - any minute now! I have also given various combinations of all the treats mentioned above. Can't swear to the effectiveness of my plan - molting always seems to take too long! But they get a little jolt of protein with every bite this way, instead of just with snacks.

    Love the treats!

  6. I give a higher protein feed and some of the previously mentions supplements. I am looking forward to ordering some of these tasty treats!

  7. I too feed a higher protein feed and add BOSS, scrambled eggs with shells, kidney beans and anything else I come across that will add some protein and vitamins
    Don't even ask me what happened to my living room floor when I treated a hen inside with Blue Kote, BIG MISTAKE !!!! lol

  8. We use turkey starter mixed with a bit of cat food. I picked up a can of Blue Kote over the weekend but I hope I don't need much of it. They always look so bedraggled when they're patchy blue.

  9. My girls haven't gone through a molt yet. I think your treats look really good and I know I will consider them when my girls do molt.
